Saturday, February 29, 2020

The Antichrist

  This is in no wise all there is to know, but this is what I have learnedm and what I believe the Spirit has shown me.  Please excuse typos - I can not see good enough to tell if a typo sign shows uip.

Antichrist will not be revealed until after the rapture, or right at the time of. I really feel the two events will come clost together.
Also, remember the Bible is telling us the TRUTH about the AntiChrist, but he will not present himself truthfully.
Satan lies, kills, steals and destroys.

So the Antichrist will probably make himself look like someone who wants to end all wars, is pro-life (while not really doing anuthing to fight ;population control - which is what abortion, vaccines and   senicide and flouride are all about).

leans tward the 'right;, might proclaim himself a Chrstian but follows another gospel,
is generous and kind, he will probably be very rich and poirtray himself as someone who had to work his way upo
He will for sure be arrogent. He will not follow the true gospel, so there will be pride and no feeling of a need for repentance, he will think everything he does is perfect and good,

He will probably be gay and athiest, altho he will present himself strong for families and Christian. If he prclaims Chrstianity it will be the kind that teaches ;ye are little gods; 0 prosperoty teaching, the new doctrins that are new age,He will build a relationship with Isreal so he can help them build the new temple and begin sacrifices again, so he can then walk in and claim that he is the god they have been sacrificing to.

For that to happen muslims and jews have to come together in peace. We are seeing that start happening with the pope right now as we speak. The world calls the catholic religion christian. They always will say whatver the catholic church says or does is the 'christian world' saying or doing it. It;s always made me bad the catholic church is as far away from Christianity as you can get.

So we have this pope now having conferences with church leaders, getting them all to sign an agreement that they are going to come under the umbrella of the catholic church. All the large church leaders in the USA have gone to see him and kissed his ring (a sign of loyalty). I firmly believe the Catholic church is the 'deep state' of the religious world.
If you are in that church, come out!.

What Is really sad is that people will think this guys is great. Eck he might be a good guy until the spirit of satan enters into him. I don't think he grows up kowing what he will become. He could become president or the ruler of a coutry or a king and just be doing his own thing until the time comes for the spirit of satan to enter him. Of course he will be having everything go his way, or it might just be things are easir=er for him than for other people, but he could possibliy be going along thinking he IS a Christian, that God loves everybody just the way they are, that because he does good things he is a good person, and have everybody telling him he is great- have huge crwods cheering him on. He would have to be the leader of a country that has many strong weapons of warfare, and plenty of money. He would have to be in a position to 'buy world leaders out' too, because let's face it- money talks.
I believe we must keep in mind that there will be forerunners to THE Antichrist. The enemy likes to use the frog in hot water approach- look how he has brought us from tv shows where the married couple had seperate beds to gay people in bed having sex right in the middle of the afternoon in soap operas.  Also when I was in high school  the news never showed dead bodies or anything - then during the vietnam war - when people were wanting to pull out, they started showing dead bodies. Politacally it was so they could push their agenda to stay in the war- spiritually it was the beginning of the desensitization of the American people.  Now people can see someone laying on the road hurt and pass them by sometimes never even seeing it. 

He will be a really good galker, able to sway a crowd any way he wants it- look at Hitler- he said the most horrible things but people agreed and cheered him on. The power of persuasive speech coupled with demonic power
Revelation 12:9 - And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

  He will be a maker of peace treaties (Daniel 9:27).
 He will be popular and worshipped (Revelation 13:3.4).
He will be fearless (Revelation 13:4).

  He will persecute the tribulation believers (Revelation 13:7).
these are the 144.00 mentioned in Rev 7 and 14. These will be saved AFTER the rapture as best I can tell,

   He will be a world dictator (Revelation 13:7).
   He will negotiate a seven year treaty with Israel that he will break after three and one half years (Daniel 9:27)
    He will be a skilled negotiator (Daniel 8:23)
He will probably be gay and antheist. (Dan. 11:37)
 He will respect only the god of force (Daniel 11:37)
   He will be a great orator (Daniel 11:21)
  He will have brilliant mind (Daniel 8:23)

  He will control all buying and selling (Revelation 13:17)
Control buying and selling, have to have the mark of the beast to buy and sell, tariffs are one way to control buying and selling.

    He will use force to conquer nations (Revelation 6:2)
    He will not regard the desire of women (Daniel 11:37)
   He will claim that he is God and magnify himself above every god (Daniel 11:36; II Thessalonians 2:4)
   He will enter the rebuilt Jewish Temple as God (II Thessalonians 2:4)