Saturday, September 7, 2019

Strike Force Prayer Aug 8 Prayer Points

Sept 8
A good time to share any praise reports from the previous week

Exalt the LORD our God And worship at His footstool; Holy is He.

Hebrews 13:15

Through Him, therefore, let us constantly and at all times offer up to God a sacrifice of praise, which is the fruit of lips that thankfully acknowledge and confess and glorify His name.


Psalm 91:1-2 ESV 

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”


Eph. 618 praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints,


Genesis 50:20 ESV 

As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.

This week prayer points -
  • for the Bahamas recovery
  • - no nuclear power plants hit by the hurricane
  • President Trump wisdom over gun legislation
  • All the stabbing and shooting victims in PA, all the young people who are being molested in this state
  • For a sweeping cleansing of the judicial system in this state
  • congressional candidate Peter Meijer, a Republican  prohibited the London-based "Drag Syndrome" — a troupe of drag performers who have Down syndrome  from prefprming at the annual  ArtPrize arts festival. The ACLU is trying to mke Meijer pay for them to perform elsewhere, and local people are protesting, asking the performance be stopped
  •  for parents to stop doing drugs with their children
  • Pray that this call continues to grow.
  • Pray for the safety of drivers and construction workers Interstate 83 from the Harrisburg area to the Maryland over the next year
  • Bernie Sanders says we must pay for abortions in other countries to save the world.
ongoing prayer points-

  •  Illinois passed law requiring LGTB history taught in public schools (this is precedent for it to spread to other states)
    - New Orleans Saints star quarterback Drew Brees criticized for promoting Focus on the Family's Bring Your Bible to School Day
  • Religious leaders from muslim controlled countries who have talked with President Trump about their torture and presecustion are being put on trial and found guilty on return to their country. Please pray for protection for them, the truth to be knows and for the downfall of these muslin countries
  • Muslin children are being taught to behead ALL who are not muslim. They start teaching them in Kindergarten by having them chop off the heads of dolls.
    - former Satanist, Doc Marquis, boldly stated that the vast amounts of blood flowing from abortion was necessary to produce Antichrist.
  •  efforts in Pittsburgh to identify and boycott businesses owned by supporters of President Donald Trump. 
  •   Allegheny County school district is putting 'go buckets' in every school room- the buckets have emergency supplies in case of a shooter situation
-Satanic Temple in Philadelphia
- In PA – Children kidnapped, held in cages and tortured until
sacriced to the evil one.
Holy Satanic Fellowship Church, Allentown, Pennsylvania. 3
– Arostook county Maine, Florida, Oregon, Western PA
– Authorities acknowledge satanism in this state and investigate
--Philadelphia usually much human feces on the ground it’s unbelievable,THIS IS HAPPENING NOW IN THE SANCTUARY CITIES- THESE ARE ILLEGAL ALIENS CAUSING THIS bringing disease and plagues
providers been removed. They are liars, abusers and continually cause trouble. 

That the Body will stand firm while being tempted with heresays and doctrines of demons, that we fight for the FULL gospel to be preached
  • That Benny Hinn's repentance is real this time
    - for Christians to not grow lazy during this time of reprieve
A day of national repentance called for by President Trump
pray for the believers in Asia (China, Japan, India, Pakistan)
- people in North Korea are forced to worship their leader, they have tv's in their homes that play praises to him al the time, they are not alloweed regular tv shows. This is the plan to be spread around the world. The AntiChrist system is already set up and working in many countries, we do not get REAL news we get filtered information.
  • pray for the persecuted church being murdered across the world- -
    - that God will raise up harvesters to go into the field
- For the body to of Christ to wake up, for the people to begin to read the Word and walk it, and pray for their pastors -to judge righteously not in the flesh, To stop attacking each other, we are to be known by our love FOR EACH OTHER- for the Body.
==For the Body to realize we are ALL called to intercession it is part of the job of being a believer
==For the true prophets of God be prohibited. Cared for and heard. That the Body will have discernment and not be led astray by the wolfs in sheeps clothing/
--many attacks on Christians in Nigeria, Pakistan, India, China, Japan, North Korea
wisdom President Trump –for wisdom G7 meetings
Donald Trump Jr., Baron Trump, Mrs. Trump
Surround Trump with righteous /loyal people
Attorney  General William Barr – protection, discernment
Larry Krasner PA district attorney – Dem,
Governor - Elected - Gov. Tom Wolf(Democratic
ouse Majority Leader - Representative Bryan Cutler(Republican
Senate Majority Leader - Representative Jake Corman(Republican
Congressional District 1- Representative Fitzpatrick, Brian K.(Republican
Senator - Robert P., Jr.,Casey(Democrat
Attorney General Josh Shapiro. 
-That Jesus Christ will be the only authority over The United States
- Hurricane Dorian, Pray for this winter, predicted it will be a bad one- all the old people and babies need to have water and heat
– Republicans have tried to push voting on the “Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act” every day
--Google manipulated the popular vote count to make it look like HRC won, instead of Pres. Trump/ Pray they are stopped from doing this again, it has been leaked they are planning it

--Arostook  county Maine, Florida, Oregon, Western PA.
--Rothschild & elite globalist
- Antifa
the Five- the antiChrist women in congress
Planned Parenthood
-Operation Underground Railroad - this organization rescues children and others from sexual abusers all over the world
--Netanyahu and Israel Iram Pakistan India China
--Venezuela Great Britain  and Brexit Europe New Zealand

People in the public eye- musicians, actors, speakers


Worship music- Holy, Holy, Holy

Bless the Lord Oh my soul

Prime Minister Netanyahu carried out a trip from Hebron to Jerusalem, an action believed by Kabbalistic / Orthodox Jews to be a requirement for the prophesied Messiah to arise.

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