Sunday, September 29, 2019

Your own song

Your own song

Thin fingers slide between my past and future, filling my mind with numb sleepy notes of haze....
a still small voice worshipers - wake up
my heart flutters at the calling to wake up
somewhere within my spirit stirs
my mind sparks

I begin to awaken. To rise up from the grave
where my dead soul laid
entranced, enchanted, frozen
by music, lights,by colors that are all pale shadows
of the reality I am called to return to --
that I came from.

I struggle and cry out the Name above all names,
the only Name of power,
One word – Jesus-
the thin fingers begin to slowly withdraw from my mind
praises slide down from my Spirit, fill my soul and spill out of my mouth breaking the spell of sleepiness.
Wake up you slumberers
rise up from the grave where you are dead in your sins oh Body!
Stand and live!
Have your life, movement, breathe and words
renewed in the power of His might, stand in His power!
Surrender yourself to the only one who cane save you,
the only one who can deliver you
from the sleep and darkness of this world.
Walk in the light Oh Body of God!
Hear His call to you- walk out of the mud and be clean!
Let the things of this world become dim
reverse the curse that was put upon you by the enemy of your soul!
Awaken Oh sleeper!
Cast off the shackles of heaviness and despair!
Break the chains that keep you tied to lies
wake up!
Look with eyes that see- see the pain and suffering –
the needs and despair
do not hide from the truth- be free
you have the power to change this world
listen to that small voice
hear with your own ears, not what others tell you
see with your own eyes -
not the lie put before you to lull you back to
listen to that small beautiful voice
follow it up to the top of the hill
through the fog and mist into a clearing
a secret place where you meet the owner of that voice
become renewed
receive your own song

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